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Very mouthy and slightly neurotic retro enthusiast who wants to be everything but doesn't want to leave the comfort of her one house, and finds that being a bookworm can actually be funner than anything else...

Monday, 4 April 2016

What a week

My lovely followers, previous week has been completely bananas…
Not only I’ve tried to be the best of the best housewives on this planet but it was busy with work stuff, photoshoots, Easter celebration and applications for Miss Pinup International.
I have to point out that thank Jesus (literally…*drums*) for Easter celebration and its chocolate goodies, because otherwise I have no idea how I would manage to be Miss Super Housewife/model/bookseller and wonderful cheerful person that I am.

So I presume you squinted your eyes a bit when I mentioned model, like “am I seeing that right, is she a model, I haven’t seen any photos of her beside her delicious food and lovely doggy?!!
You can squint as much as you want as this is the truth, this week I transformed myself in to this amazing character of Miss Enea the model and posed for pictures that Robert took because I needed them for the application for Miss Pinup International. Honestly that boy has some talent or his phone is super smart, either way the photos turned out smashing.

But even if I was this ultra-amazing persona I still had some housewife duties to do, but at least I was doing them all dolled up and in high heels as I was prepared for some photos to be taken of me in what supposedly should look like my normal day routine, loved it.
As for work I have to admit I outdid myself as usual or maybe a bit more. I changed the whole front part of the first floor with new displays, with book related products or as I like to call them bookie bits and lovely gifts. I dusted and polished whatever came under my duster, tidied the children toys section and absolutely enjoyed every bit of it. But I do feel the consequences of hard work as my back feels a bit sore and my hands look like dried plums. Not to worry, there is nothing this chicka cannot fix.

All I need now is a nice cup of tea, a good book and Robert to rub my feet.
A good busy week is behind me and there is more of it to come as I need to get my votes for the competition so my lovely people don’t forget to dedicate a bit of your time and vote for me.
To do so just follow the link beneath (I know cheeky right).

I love ya’ all

Miss Enea 

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