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Very mouthy and slightly neurotic retro enthusiast who wants to be everything but doesn't want to leave the comfort of her one house, and finds that being a bookworm can actually be funner than anything else...

Friday, 10 July 2015

Baking goodies

Now one of my big passions beside writing and reading is baking goodies and honestly I grab any opportunity for an excuse to bake.

This time it was a bone voyage cake for a fellow co-worker of mine. She got a new job, a new clean start and what better way to celebrate the whole thing than to eat some delicious cake. Now she enquired for a chocolate one so I decided that I will make a chocolate one but I had to put something else in it to make it richer. I opened the fridge and found that I have some strawberries, which would make the cake nice and moist.

Now this time I taught that it is OK if I bake for a female co-worker, I knew I cannot bake for      another man, if I don’t bake for mine first but as it turned out I cannot bake for anyone if I don’t bake for my Roby first and that is the rule.
So of course I ended baking two glorious cakes which haven’t lasted for a long time.

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