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Very mouthy and slightly neurotic retro enthusiast who wants to be everything but doesn't want to leave the comfort of her one house, and finds that being a bookworm can actually be funner than anything else...

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Unwanted guests

Have you ever had one?
How about a few of them or just simply too many?

Unfortunately we just had a bunch of them living under our beds, feasting on our old smelly carpet.
I do realize it is Christmas time and it is a time to love and forgive but for f*** sake an unwanted guest is an unwanted guest.

So make to this clear we are talking about carpet moths or tineola bisselliella, disgusting little creatures that like to feast on old dirty carpets and nice woolly clothes and hide in dark. It would be bad enough if I would find them in adult annoying form but nooooooo they had to be larvae and pupae shaped disgusting little things living just under my beloved bed…
So now I’m a bit stuck because I’m a good housewife and sh** but what the f*** should I do, they are so disgusting that makes me not just burn them but to burn me with them so I don’t need to look at them anymore….
Ok I’m exaggerating, what I did was vacuumed them all and disinfected the vacuum cleaner and then because the fleet was so big, phone the pest control company to fume them up.

It is dune and dusted but still people, my advice is check regularly under your beds and dark spots because you never know when this nasty things could appear

Merry Christmas to me…

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