About Me

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Very mouthy and slightly neurotic retro enthusiast who wants to be everything but doesn't want to leave the comfort of her one house, and finds that being a bookworm can actually be funner than anything else...

Wednesday, 14 February 2018


 We already established that I am probably the worst housewife you can ever meet. I can cook but that’s probably pretty much it when it comes to summing up the housewife of the year award 😊. To be honest that was just a project and I am aware I’m not your average girl next door and you know what, that’s OK. I like being mouthy, I like drinking my gin and I absolutely love going against the rules of what is expected.

I’ve started this blog as a project but the thing is I love writing and somehow, I got lost while doing it, thinking that no one is actually reading my crap, but it looks like that is not true at least according to my google statistic (if you can trust it, today I decided I will). So, thank you all the lovely people who take time and browse my word vomiting pages, because in reality that’s what all this is.
In the last 2 months my life changed drastically, one of my main narratives of this blog, Mr. Jack has sadly passed away. I cannot describe the sadness and pain I felt / am feeling. There are no more little paws steps clicking around our laminates, no more little kisses and morning huggees, but life goes on right?!

There is no one sipping coffee with me, that is not true Rob is still here but we are just too lazy to wake up in the mornings to do this routine. I guess there is no other way, then to get It out of the system until the pain converts into beautiful memories of life full of happiness and laughter. But I guess, for that you need time…

Maybe in the meantime I should do what I love most, write regardless if anyone is reading and just get it out of my system…

 I think that is what Jack would like me to do anyway…

Today I will hold my glass of pink gin up, to toast in celebration of Mr. Jack’s life, the best buddy one can ever have. May you enjoy wherever you are and thank you for the best years you gave us!!!


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