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Very mouthy and slightly neurotic retro enthusiast who wants to be everything but doesn't want to leave the comfort of her one house, and finds that being a bookworm can actually be funner than anything else...

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Finaly I have it

So yesterday I spent a good while looking for a present and no luck, nothing that could be considered as a I love you soo soo much present, so of course I gave up…
But today is a new day and well I need a present by tomorrow so no more excuses!

So I was off and I went to the city centre, basically I checked every store from piercing shops to fancy skull rings but I found nothing that would appeal to me, all until I passed a shop that was selling skateboards and other similar stuff and it hit me, a couple of weeks ago Robert was talking about having a skateboard so he could skate to work.

I went in to the shop in Stephen’s Green shopping centre and had a little chic chat with the girl who worked there and she showed me around and explain to me everything about different types and then she gave me a moment to look around.
It took me a while and finally I decided to go with a smaller skateboard so he can go to work with it and then on the bus, I chose a Penny skateboard in orange colour with light up wheels (because it is cool).
Finally I have a present and I’m so happy, I cannot wait to give him the present now it will be so cool.
But now I have to wait for a day or two to give him the present…

I hate waiting and I hate hiding the present, if it was up to me I would just give the present straight away.
But I’ll wait.

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