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Very mouthy and slightly neurotic retro enthusiast who wants to be everything but doesn't want to leave the comfort of her one house, and finds that being a bookworm can actually be funner than anything else...

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

The after workout effect

 OMG everything hurts and I still have to look good and cook and clean at home and go to work because a perfect housewife does all that.

It is impossible, it is absolutely impossible. At the moment I’m walking like a duck and walking out of the bed is like mission impossible, thank god for my lovely Robert who brings me coffee in bed.
But still this didn’t put me off my project. I wobbled out from the bed, did my makeup and my hair, took Mr. Jack for a walk and went to work.

I looked good, after a while my muscles got warmed up so it wasn’t that painful and I did my 10-6pm work, came home and made dinner. It was a successful day, thought now while I’m writing I feel like somebody hit me with a baseball bat.

Tomorrow is a new day and we have finally reached the publishing date of Grey by E.L. James. I cannot wait to get my hands on it.

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